Transient waters

The latest generation of indigenous community members from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta has a compelling message to convey. Climate change has moved beyond prevention and now demands adaptation, as the irreversible damage inflicted on the environment can no longer be denied. The former generation of Wiwa, Kankuamo, Kogi, and Arhuaco people were notable for their climate activism across the last three decades. However, the current generation appears more inclined to accept the irrevocable ecological imbalance that has affected the Sierra Nevada and to mitigate the painful denouement of events during the decades to come.

"Transient Waters" embraces the deep, even spiritual, significance of the Sierra’s water systems transformations in the context of the current climate change landscape. It is not a story of resignation, but of perception of the physical and metaphysical beauty of what is to disappear.


O.T.A.C.A. Observadores del Tiempo Atmosférico Céres-Antares